
Jordan Shafer, MS, LPC

About Jordan…


I am available on a limited basis, every other week. Contact mail by email.

As an EMDR therapist, I help people explore and identify their thought patterns that constantly run in background that cause conflict and discomfort.  These thoughts or “neural patterns”, which are formed over a lifetime, cause anxiety and stress (PTSD) and are disruptive regular living.  As these emotional patterns are identified, we then use EMDR processing to get resolve them.  Sometimes this can be accomplished in a few sessions, but most often it takes longer.

I teach people the skill of tuning into their “felt-sense”, staying with their emotions, and learning to regulate their feelings and emotions from that place.  This is a great way to live in the present moment, responding in “real-time” to what is currently happening as opposed to reacting to a contrived reality constructed in the mind and being played out in “real-life.”

For people who want to go deeper, I encourage them to buy, read and do, The Presence Process by Michael Brown.  We can then use that as a way to guide our sessions and the work we do.

I help people see life from a different perspective.  After all, you can’t use the thinking you used to get into your current discomfort, to get you out of it.


Plano, TX  75023  (near Custer and Legacy)

Counseling is provided on a “fee-for-service” or “self-pay” basis, and payment is due at the time of service. If out-of-network benefits are available, they are the responsibility of the client.

Charges are as follows:

    • Regular session (50 minutes) $140.00;
    • Extended Session (80 minutes) $185.00.

Email Jordan: