Notes on Depression
Depression can cloud thinking and even interfere with the desire to seek help. If a client has at least four of the following symptoms, at least one form of depression exists. Sad or empty mood [...]
Louis CK on Being Alone with Yourself
This clip by Louis CK on being alone with yourself is very nondual, and he is addressing two of the main issues of our time, killing each other when driving and our inability to be with [...]
“Lover’s Cross” ~ Jim Croche
A little more on love and attachment disorder…
“I Am….I Said” ~ Neil Diamond
Here’s what we work on at the deepest level…Advaita, EMDR, the Color Charts, Attachment Disorders, it’s all there but only in words we can understand but seldom get. Who [...]
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Conditioned Emotional Patterns
Conditioned Emotional Patterns are formed early in life in all kinds of ways about all kinds of things. They become the basis for the ‘life themes’ we develop, which then becomes the way we live [...]