The Felt-Sense

Felt-Sense – We use focusing to develop a ‘felt-sense’ to tune into what is true for you in this moment. This is not something you are told or understand – not a concept – it is something you ‘know’ or feel.

Try this:

      1. Think about your mother, or the person who was the ‘mother figure’ in your life as you were growing up.  Think about the good things she did, the times you spent together, birthdays, holidays, any special events.  Think of her face, her warm glow, the kindness and caring.  Now, tune into how you feel.  Ask yourself, “What am I feeling right now?  Just notice.

      2.Now, think about your father, or the person who was the ‘father figure’ in your life as you were growing up.  In the same way, think about the good things he did for you and the special times you spent together.  See his face, his strength, his warm loving gestures or whatever.  If it wasn’t good, think about that.  Again, ask yourself, “What is my body feeling right now?  Just notice.

      3.Was how you felt about your mother different from how you felt about your father?  Was there a different quality in what you felt?  It may be subtle.  It’s not that one is good and one is bad, they both can be very good – just different.

      4.The ‘felt-sense’ is that feeling you had for each parent.  As it turns out, you are having a different felt-sense all the time.  As you meet people, friends, relatives, strangers – there will always be a felt-sense, and for each experience it will be a little different.  Use ‘focusing’ to tune into your ‘felt-sense’ as you live your life, it will help slow down thought, help you make better more intuitive decisions and lead a better more productive life.

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