Using EMDR with Addictions – A.J. Popky

AJ Popky Dallas Event on Friday and Saturday, May 13 and 14, 2016IMG_2823

A.J. Popky developed the DeTUR protocol, which is an EMDR protocol used to manage urges and addictions.
He is scheduled to be in Plano, Tx on May 13 and 14th, 2016.  This will be an advanced EMDRIA training on the use of EMDR with urges and addictions.
It is open to EMDR Therapists who have completed L1 and L2, or weekends 1 & 2 of Institute or EMDRIA approved trainings.
(12 EMDRIA Credits, and 12 Texas LPC, LCSW, and MFT Credits are included.)
“When I learned DeTur in 1994, I’d specialized in the treatment of sex offenders (including children who had offended other children, in the therapeutic foster care program the state of Montana asked me to create) since 1980, using the most available/effective methods.  Since then, I’ve used DeTur and found nothing that comes close to its effectiveness and efficiency.  Now, I also update emotional circuits (including LUST) before I focus on harmful manifestations.
Porn is addicting because it activates the parasympathetic and sympathetic skatie-oshea2ystems, but not Social Engagement.  When a relationship is involved in sexual activation, following climax, secretion of oxytocin is stimulated.  Without that, the biological response is not complete and the body continues to want more.  DeTur will provide access to the underlying trauma that perpetuates sexual addiction.” ~ Katie O’Shea, EMDRIA Approved Consultant and Speciality Trainer.

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